Tripping around Wellston and Surrounding Neighborhoods: Resources for Further Exploration
Created and maintained by Robert Powers, Built St. Louis provides a wealth of current photographs documenting the history of architecture in St. Louis. The site features North St. Louis neighborhoods, including the St. Louis City portions of the Wellston neighborhood. Users can find information about and photographs of the Wellston Loop Building. “North Side: The Decline of the City” summarizes reasons for the area’s demise. Powers also maintains the Built St. Louis Web Log.
The St. Louis Virtual City Project, developed by the University of Missouri-St. Louis’s St. Louis Regional History Project, currently features interactive materials on several decades of St. Louis history. A good discussion of urban clearance and renewal in the 1950s focuses on the demolition of Mill Creek Valley.
Mound City on the Mississippi: A St. Louis History provides an extensive database of text and visual images regarding St. Louis people, places, and history.
B. Haefner’s collection of pages features many great memories of Wellston and the Hodiamont streetcar line. See especially the page on the Hodiamont streetcar.
Other Wellston memories can be found at the Welhisco Flashlight pages (reminisces of Wellston High School alum).
Toby Weiss’s B.E.L.T. blog provides outstanding insights into all things St. Louis. See her posts on Wellston, the J.C. Penney Building, and the Wellston Bank.
Michael Allen’s Preservation Research Office site and blog offer perceptive analysis of St. Louis historical sites. See especially his posts on Craftsman buildings in Wells-Goodfellow and hope on Martin Luther King Drive.