This week I want to give a big shout-out to JoAnn Croce, the editor of the Welhisco Flashlight, a newsletter for Wellston High School alums.
Each month’s issue (available in print and online) is chock full of memories as well as recent news of Wellston alums (including birthdays!). Sometimes JoAnn even features excerpts from The Wellston Loop! (I love helping preserve Wellston’s history – and love hearing memories from Welhisco Flashlight readers!)
In recent issues, I’ve especially enjoyed Joyce (Perkins) Sudbeck’s “Walking Through Wellston,” Ruth (Johnson) Vogel’s “Communication Before Electronics,” the recipe for “Mrs. Izatt’s Applesauce Cake” (Mrs. Izatt was my cousin Laura’s grandmother!), and Roger Noon’s “On the Green Bus.”
If you’re not already a Welhisco Flashlight reader, you’ve got to check it out. Kudos to JoAnn and her gang!