Well, it’s been quite a month of memories!
My mother (Bonnie Landsbury Burrows, Wellston High ‘57) and my aunt (Louise Landsbury Overbey, Wellston High ‘65) kicked us off with their memories of their growing-up days in Wellston. Three readers –Nan Sweet, Janice Clark, and Wayne Brasler – added their own recollections. Janice won a copy of Streets and Streetcars of St. Louis. Congratulations, Janice, and thanks for all the memories! They will really help me as I write the 1950s section of Hodiamont: A Novel of St. Louis.
Rather than compiling a full list of entries here, I refer you back to the original post – where you can see all the entries from Nan, Janice, and Wayne. Just click here to trip even further down memory lane.
I would love to hear from Bonnie Landsbury. She was my first piano teacher. My mom, Dorothy Campbell went to school with her.