“In the early 1950s,” writes St. Louis blogger Toby Weiss, “Jennings, Missouri was a red hot White Flight destination, just a scootch outside the St. Louis city limits proper. “ She goes on: ‘Newfangled’ is the correct word to describe the new homes and businesses that were built at a rapid clip, designed in the modern […]

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Linda Tate on July 18th, 2011

Last week, I discussed the development of St. Ann, an inner-ring St. Louis County suburb. Perhaps St. Ann’s greatest claim to fame is Northwest Plaza. Now defunct, Northwest Plaza was, in its heyday, perhaps the grandest place to shop in the St. Louis metropolitan area. And by “heyday,” I don’t mean its peak years as […]

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Linda Tate on July 11th, 2011

This typical kitchen, circa 1950s, is part of a fascinating Missouri Historical Society exhibit on the development of St. Ann, an inner-ring St. Louis County suburb that drew many post-war families. Originally developed in 1942 and incorporated in 1948, the community was named for the mother of the Virgin Mary. The community had a strong […]

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In honor of the Fourth of July, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on St. Louis summer weather – infamous St. Louis summer weather. Though there are many things I miss about St. Louis (most notably my family), among the things I do not miss is the hot, humid weather that settles upon […]

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